
Enigma puzzle | Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse

Security Room:

Sit down at the console, then take a closer look at the panel on the right. A note above the panel tells you how the Enigma works. Click on the red lever on the right to open the panel, then click on the top left part to open it. Use ROTOR #1 and ROTOR #2 from your inventory on the missing slots. Click the red lever again to trigger a puzzle.

Remember that German vocabulary from earlier? This is where it comes into play. Notice the symbols in the top right corner: Sun, Moon, and Comet. The German words for these are Sonne, Mond, and Komet.

Rotate the rotor dials so their initials are “S, M, K”.

The real message will be revealed once you've completed typing, and will read “Karl's Day-planner-- Eight, Two, Six, One.” Click on the tape to collect it.

Now notice the symbols in the top right corner: Bat, Castle, and Knight. The German words for these are Fledermaus, Burg, and Ritter

Rotate the rotor dials so their initials are “F, B, R”.

"The Freiherr's daughter is step one.” 

(And later in the game)

Notice the pictures: Mouse, Dragon, and Unicorn. Recall the German vocabulary for these words:MausDrache, and Einhorn
Rotate the rotors so they read “M, D, E”.

Upon completing it, the true message will be revealed: “Legend ending: Find young woman to cast as the victim.”

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