
Nancy Drew | Legend of Crystal Skull | Part 4_Zeke's shop

Play as Bess:
See a Gumbo mobile shop, a man across the street and Zeke's across the hotel balcony.

Go across and enter Zeke's. Look around at the Curio shop.
Talk to Lamont completely.
Learn that the receipt is for a large box of assorted items bought from Henry Bolet. The box is in the back room.
Look around. Go to the cabinet right of the door. Check the 5 bottles: crying powder, giggling powder, itching powder, stinking powder and sneezing powder. Bess automatically takes the sneezing powder after talking to Lamont.

Rube Goldberg contraption puzzle:

Top shelf (left to right): Bowling ball on top of stand, accordion and sneezing powder. Chattering teeth on top shelf over the balloon.
Lower shelf (left to right): Electric fan by outlet and sail boat immediately beside fan
Left pan under Zeke's sign: Shrunken head.
Top of piano (left to right): Large book, several books, hula dancer and phonograph.
Test the set up by standing on the scale. Bess should say - 'that will do it'.

Go to the back room while Lamont is sneezing like crazy. Click on the box.
See a picture of a young boy and dog. There a label of Bruno and... There's another picture of an iguana wearing a pirate costume complete with a hat. There is a skeleton costume with hat.
Open the box: Look at the letters on top of the wood box. Read the French vacation letter and the note with Hamlet and numbers.

Inside the box, read the letter about the Whisperer.
Bess automatically calls Nancy and gives her findings.

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