
Text stand 7 - Full Circle | Adam's Venture 1 : The Search for the Lost Garden

Missing text ring:
See 4 unlit fire stands around the room and a central lit one.
See a locked gate at back wall.
Inspect the locked gate and see the missing text ring inside.

Open the locked gate:
To open the locked gate, all 4 unlit fire stands must be lit.
Light the fire stands and note which one stays lit longest or shortest time.
Run (shift + arrow) to light the fire stands. I just kept running and lighting the fire stands until smoke filled the cavern and the gate rose.
Enter through the raised gate and take the text ring.

Text stand 7:
Go back to the text stand on the bridge and waterfall.
Use the text ring and arrange the rings correctly.

Ask and it will be given
And you will find

The bridge turns to another cave left of the original one. Go forward.

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