
Nancy Drew | Warnings at Waverly Academy | part 8_Follow Casper

Casper the albino squirrel:
Time to sleep.
Go to Nancy and Corine's bedroom. Talk to Corine.
Set the clock in the cell phone to alarm at 6AM.
Casper the albino squirrel: In the middle of the night, Nancy is awakened by a tapping noise.
See Casper with the sunburst token in his mouth.
Open the window and climb out to follow Casper.



Chanters: Hear chanting. Nancy looks down and sees 6 black gowned chanters and one blue gowned chanter. Climb down and go back to the room. Exit the bedroom; go down the stairs and outside.
Go to the base of the oak tree. Pick up a ribbon-barrette from the ground.
Go back to the bedroom and set the alarm again to early morning.

Wake up:
The alarm goes off and the cell phone falls on the floor.
Look under the desk beside Nancy's bed.
Take the cell phone, the second Black Cat note sent to Danielle and tile.
Pick up the Black Cat note for Nancy slipped under the door.
Talk to Corine about the barrette.
Mel: Go to Mel's bedroom and ask her about the barrette.
Learn about the Blackwood Society that started 2 years after the school was founded.

Text message (sometime): Read a message sent to Becca-Nancy about the Poe book and Izzy's bedroom.

Izzy and Leela's bedroom:
Go to the locked door across Rachel's bedroom.
Knock on the door. No one is inside.

Use the student ID card on the lock of the door. Enter and look around.

See the athletic equipments by the bed at left. Check what is under the dumbbells.
Missing Poe book: Take the missing book by Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat.

Open the book. See a list of stories written by Poe with dates after the titles and 4 sunbursts on top of the list. Go to the desk and check out Izzy's picture. Turn it over by clicking again.

Take the key behind the picture. Check out Jacob's picture.

Izzy's trunk:
Go to the foot of Izzy's bed and look close at the trunk.
Use the key just taken on the trunk. Examine the contents and see the blue gown of the leader of the chanters.

Find the words to the chant:
Go down to the library.
Talk to Izzy about the chant. Three is fine but five is more. Even nineteen defeats four. Should just seven become lore, at least two will find the door.

Snack time: Time to do the daily opening of the snack shop.


part 7_Piano keys<<<---                                                                        --->>>part 9_Star line puzzle

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