
Nancy Drew | The White Wolf of Icicle Creek | part 4

Let's check out the bunk explosion.

Snow Princess Freddie - Meet Ollie's daughter. She will not let you pass until you beat her in a snow ball fight.
Bunk ruin - Go forward to the path ahead and it will split to the left and forward. 
Go left and see the remains of the bunkhouse. Look at the clock buried in the snow.

Main Desk: Time to use the phone again.
Sheriff Mahihkan - After seeing the clock, call the Sheriff. Learn from the Sheriff about the explosion and that it is from a plastic explosive, C4. In Eastern Europe, it's called semtex. Learn the local thoughts about wolves.

Carl Jenkins - Call Carl Jenkins about the accidents. The phone number is at the journal.
Farindale - Talk to Mrs. Faringdale about the food poisoning.
Derek Southwaite - Talk to the honeymooners and learned about the sauna accident.

Go to the display wall at the sitting room. See Guadalupe Comillo using binoculars by the window on the left. Talk to her completely and learn that the maid has been gone 2-3 days.

Sitting Room: Talk to Bill. Bill dares you to catch a 2 footer Northern Pike.
Check the computer's list of fishes to review what a Northern Pike looks like.

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