
Nancy Drew | The Haunting of Castle Malloy | Part 2_Hanoi puzzle

Walk to the bookcase behind Kyler.
Right of center you can iron helmet from up close (red rimmed magnifying glass). Open the drawer on the bottom of the helmet. There is a gear puzzle, with large and small gears. Looks like you need 10 pieces of each type, but they're not in the pocket. You miss two gears.

Go to the left half of the book.
You can see the book "Zodiac Constellations' get out of the bookcase. It is a book about the star constellations and the signs of the zodiac.

Walk to the right side of the room, turn left and you see a door between two bookcases. Open the door. Nancy is almost in a hole. Behind the door was damaged part of the castle.

Hanoi puzzle
Right of the door is a bookcase. In case you see a lamp that does not work. To the left of the lamp is a kind of dynamo.

Actually this is a Hanoi puzzle.
Move all the rings to the right side of the machine.
The rings can only be placed over a larger ring.

Hanoi tower dynamo (Junior mode):
Think of the rings as 1-5 from the smallest to the largest.

Move 1 to the R (right post), 2 to the M (middle post) and 1 to M.
Move 3R, 1L (left post), 2R, 1R, 4M, 1M, 2L, 1L, 3M, 1R, 2M, 1M and 5R.
Move 1L, 2R, 1R, 3L, 1M, 2L, 1L and 4R.
Move 1R, 2M, 1M and 3R.
Move 1L and 2R. Move 1R.

If you have solved the puzzle, the lamp is charged.
Pick up the burning lamp on.


Leave the Library and in the corridor the first room left. This is the nursery where the whispering voices heard Kyren.
If you enter, you see a crow, a colored stones from a wall panel trying to steal.
Turn left and pick up the orange brick , which the right of the fireplace on the ground.
Click on the plaque.
Then open your inventory by left corner of the screen on your backpack-icon.
Click on the orange brick your inventory and put it back on the wall panel, the orange colored stain.
You see also that the red, blue and green spot stone is not. Zoom out.
View the active site to the left of the fireplace. You'll find a pair of glasses with broken glass.

Bookcase: Turn right and look close at the bookcase. Check the box at second from top shelf.
Otter puzzle: See 9 tiles that have depictions of half a body of 4 otters in each tile.
There are 4 colors of otters: blue, brown, green and purple.
The aim of the puzzle is to have all the otters be complete in body and color.
The center tile is permanent. Arrange the 4 tiles adjacent to the central tiles first.
Then arrange the 4 corner ones.
1. Turn #4 to complete central blue otter.
2. Move #3 to #2 place. Turn tile in 2 to complete central purple otter.
3. Turn #6 tile to complete central green otter.
4. Move #9 to #8 place. Turn to complete central brown otter.
5. Move #9 to #1 place. Turn to complete side otters.
6. Turn #9 to complete the side otters.
7. Turn #7 to complete side otters.
8. Turn #3 to complete side otters.
Hear a sound. Take large gear from the opened drawer.
1. Move #3 to #4 place. Turn tile in 4 to complete central blue otter.
2.Move #1 to #6 place. Turn tile in 6 to complete central green otter.
3. Move #7 to #8 place. Turn tile in 8 to complete central brown otter.
4. Move #1 to #2 place. Turn tile in 2 to complete central purple otter.
5. Move #1 to #7 place. Turn tiles in 1 and 7 to complete side otters.
6. Turn tile in 3 to complete side otters. 9 should be in position.

If you have solved the puzzle, you hear a sliding sound.
Get a big cog in the open drawer.

Walk to the left side of the bed. Here you see the left against the wall a large dollhouse. See it up close.
You see now that the dolls you can put different figures. The groom-doll that you picked up at the arch way, is there. You miss so to see another 4 dolls.
Links contains instructions where the puppets belong.
The groom doll is not listed in the instructions.

A blue line means in the next room (or above).
A red line means directly beside (or above).
An arrow means the same horizontal (or vertical) row.

Place the dolls in accordance with the instructions in the dollhouse.
Then push the red button next CHECK.

If you put the correct figures, there is a rolling coin in the slot. Pick it up.

Talk to Kyler. She asks you for her three invitations can print on the large press ouderwetste downstairs in the hall.
Kyler speak again and tell her about the glasses you found in the fireplace.
This is Kyler strange, because Matt did not burst without glasses, and put it never finished.
She hopes that one part of the joke and that he has a spare pair of glasses.
Nancy has not seen in the children's luggage. Kyler says that Matt's luggage the previous evening in that room was. When he is gone, then Donal luggage stowed somewhere, she thinks.

Kyler also says that half of the castle ruins, because her uncle Brendan in 1944 caused an explosion when he worked for a new kind of rocket fuel. When the explosion came he, his wife and daughter were killed. According to Donal haunted so since in the nursery.
Close the conversation and leave the library.

Walk to end of the corridor.
Walk down the stairs, the tower. You can not go halfway. The staircase has collapsed.
If you try anyway, you will die.
Go back down.
Turn left here and go down the stairs to the Great Hall.

Great Hall

Gift Table
View the large table nearby. There are wedding gifts.
Middle of the table you see a few sheets of paper. There is a weight on, to shelter them from blowing away before. Pick up the weight on. It is the same weight as you saw the library in the scales.

Printing press
Right of the large table, the printing press on a low chest of drawers.
Watch him closely.
Notice how the board of the call is left on top of the machine is as Kyler said.
Below are four pots of ink, with a letter.

- K Pak jar and click it on the black board for him
for brushing

Right of the ink pots you see a copper circuit board lying. Pick him up. The album has a binary code: 01000011.
Now that you've picked up that record, you can find out sheets of paper.

- Pick up a piece of paper and put it on the PCB on the machine oiled.
- Turn the large wheel and the paper is printed.
- Get the paper and lay it on the dryer to the right of the press. Press the red button.
- Take the paper from the dryer and put it in the basket above the dryer.

Nancy looks at the invitation automatically. She was very surprised to read that one Alan Paine the witness and not Kit Foley, who still Matt's best friend.


Part 1_Groom doll<<<------                                                                                    ----->>>Part 3_Fortune teller

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