
East Side Story (A Carol Reed Mystery)_Part1

Carol intends to spend a lovely summer basking away the time in her hammock under a bright, blue sky at The Allotment. The garden is replete with lovely flowers and vegetables. This is a warm, pastoral scene to be sure, but destined not to be savored by our hero for very long!

Pull back to leave the hammock. Turn right to pick up a PRIMITIVE KEY (and on screen instructions on how to use your inventory). Back out and turn twice to see a small storage shed. Use your magnifying glass for a close up. Use the primitive key to open the shed door and pick up the green WATERING CAN. Close the shed door.

Back out. Turn right and go forward once. Turn right, forward once, then left. (Go forward once to receive more on screen instructions on access to the game menu and how to use it.) Go forward and turn left to see a large planter box filled with cucumber plants. Turn back right. Go forward to the compost bin. Turn left and go forward twice to the water faucet. Use the magnifying glass for a close up of the blue pail. You'll see a red/blue gear symbol indicating that action is possible. Use your watering can to get a FILLED WATERING CAN.

Back out. Turn twice and go forward (another message will appear on controlling the game music). Go forward again. Turn right, forward, right again to face the bright cucumber planter. Click to hear that Carol needs to water the cucumbers.

Turn right, go forward, turn left. Go forward twice to the faucet again. Turn left and go forward to exit the map and go


Carol receives a letter. Pick it up and find its from handsome friend, Jonas. Jonas writes of his friend, Anders, unfortunate circumstance when someone was murdered in his apartment in Paris, while Anders was away on business. Read the letter carefully.

Jonas pleads with Carol to look into this mysterious death. Anders' address is included: Byhagen 6, Floor 4. The key is hidden outside the door.

Read the news item behind the letter, explaining the circumstances of the poor, murdered man, Viktor Wallin. Carol says, "Well, there goes that holiday."

Back out. Go into the living/dining room area ahead. Turn left at the dining table and go forward to find the PLIERS on the top shelf of Carol's in-progress doll house.

Wander around, familiarizing yourself with the separate rooms. Then go back to the entry and leave through the white door with the silver mail slot. Exit to


Go right on in. Go up the steps and go left. Enter the elevator, on your right, and press 4. Get out of the elevator and go left to the end of the hall to Anders Borg's apartment. Look in close up at the name tag on the door.

Find a SMALL KEY in a black door stop at the molding next to the floor on the left. Back out. Turn left to find an enclosure above on the wall, with a lock. In close up, use the small key on the lock to open the enclosure and find the APARTMENT KEY. Close the door.

Use the key on the apartment lock to enter. Turn around to find a pair of men's dress shoes on the entry floor. Check out the water closet. Turn to enter the living area where you see the black office chair. Turn right inside the door to check out the bookcase.

Turn and go forward to check out the computer desk. No action available.

Turn around and go to the window. Open it with handles to the left. Look right and find the missing shirt. You can't reach it. Close the window. Go back to the entry and pick up the long, yellow SHOE HORN in the corner behind the men's shoes. Go back to the window and use the shoe horn to turn and open up the shirt. You'll hear Carol say, "Extra large. And that goes for the hole in the pocket too." Both the SHIRT and the COAT HANGER go into your inventory.

Did you hear something fall to the street? Carol says, "Something fell from it." You'd better check that out. While you're here though, go back to the entry. Turn right and go forward to the bedroom. Turn left to the double white doors and click to reveal the kitchen. You'll be back here later.

Turn back to the right and pick up the note on the bedstead ahead of you. Read the note from Inspector Ryde explaining the reason that Anders' bedclothes have been confiscated by the police. Back out and turn right to the entry. Check out the size of the white short-sleeved shirt now accessible there. Hmmmm, its a size medium, as opposed to the extra large shirt found outside the window.

Leave Borg's apartment and go down the elevator to the street entrance. Turn right on the street to see a down arrow.

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