
East Side Story (A Carol Reed Mystery)_Part5

Go back to the main trail. Turn right and go forward 3 more clicks and turn left. Follow the dim trail up the hill to the collection of large boulders. With a large boulder in front of you, turn right. Continue forward through the fence to find three concrete bunkers, the first of which displays "SNUFF MVS."

Go forward and left between the bunkers and click for a close up of a huge refinery in the distance. Turn around past the "Hip Hop" bunker and go back 2 clicks. Turn around left to see down behind the third bunker. Go forward once and turn left to see an opening leading inside the bunker.

Go forward to encounter


Using Viktor's note as a guide "turn up all four real quick," set all four rods in the up position.

Using the note again, "Then one, two, four, six does the trick." Pull up the golf course plan in inventory. Note the numbers of the holes and particularly the associated colors:
one (1) is red
two (2) is brown
four (4) is green
six (6) is blue
Set the rods in the above color order and the metal door opens to a dark storage area. Surprise! Its a GOLF BALL.

On the golf ball is inscribed "The Lessen Fortress. Look over the south-west corner." Put the ball into your inventory. Close the door. Exit the bunker. Go down the hill, turn right and follow the main trail back to the beginning. Exit to


Enter the fortress area and go straight across the overgrown field to the stage on the far side. On the stage, turn right to see a number of broken boards. Use your magnifying glass on the Lessen Fortress brochure: "The Lessen Fortress - A Brief History." Read the history of the fortress' transition from Norrkoping's water reservoir to become a music concert arena.

Leave the brochure and the stage. Walk out into the field and check out the graffiti covering the walls on three sides. Go toward the bleachers and turn left just as you get there. Go forward twice. Turn right, forward, left and up the concrete steps. At the top, go left and down the wall to the "south-west corner" as indicated on the golf ball. See the message in close up. "Look for 3 green holes." Whatever could that mean? Where would you look for three green holes here?

Go left. Go forward once. Look left to see a black bicycle laying on its side on the roof of the stage. Click on the middle of the handle bars to hear a message from Carol about not being able to reach the "lamp." Another piece of inventory is required here. Meanwhile, go back to the corner where you saw the "3 green holes" message. Come to think of it, and considering again the content of the golf ball message, look more carefully "over" the top of the wall.

Look over the top of the wall above the message and use your magnifying glass. Click again where you again a magnifying glass. Carol exclaims, "That's the Belvedere. Its one of the highest places in town." Come out of the close up. Turn around and follow the wall to the end. Go down the steps, right, across in front of the bleachers and leave Lessen Fortress. Exit to


Read the Belvedere's history on the sign post at left. Go up the stairs toward the tower. At the top, go right and pick up a LONG TWIG from a pile of leaves and branches. Go back left, then right and into the "always open" tower.

Go up into the tower and take a look at the landscape through the telescope. Nothing stands out here but the scenery is lovely. Back out of the telescope. Go left to the other 20 X 80 Kowa telescope. Scan to the far left of the field you see through the eye piece. Click on the arrow to continue scanning left. In the lower right quadrant of the field of view, your magnifying glass will pick up "three green holes."

Carol states that these holes are at the Arken's Rosearium. Leave the tower. Go down the hillside path and exit to


Go forward and then left at the end of the bridge. Climb the steps. Go forward to see the green holes. Turn right. Go forward once and turn left. Facing the green holes, which are empty fountains in reality, click where you see the magnifying glass. Click again to pick up a message, which is only partially readable due to water damage.

This appears to be a letter from Viktor expressing his angst at being threatened. Click on the MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNTAIN to place it in inventory. Turn left and go back to the bridge. Exit to


Go to the security box on the wall ahead of you. Use your passcard. Well, that appears to be about half the requirement to enter. Now the box demands your code. Hmmm... Where might we find the code?

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