
East Side Story (A Carol Reed Mystery)_Part2

You can see a key laying at the bottom of the catch basin. In inventory, use the clothes hanger with the pliers to create a MODIFIED COAT HANGER. Try using the new tool to reach the key, or lift the grill. No dice. You need something more.

Go back up to the apartment and go to the kitchen and turn to the refrigerator. Remove the bright, orange FISH MAGNET. Go back to the entry and take a pair of SHOE LACES from the shoes. Leave the apartment and go back down to the street. Turn right and look down to readdress the grill in close up. In inventory, combine the shoe laces with the fish magnet. Use this combined tool to retrieve the SET OF KEYS from the catch basin.

Now you need to find the lock for this new set of keys. Go back into the building and up to the 4th floor again, via the elevator. Continue on up the staircase left of the elevator. At the top, use the newly acquired keys on the metal attic door. Turn right inside. Go forward down a dark corridor of wooden storage lockers. Click on the doors left and right as you go to find that number 62 is open and empty.

Go forward. Turn right to locker #66. Use the keys on the lock to enter the storage area. Interestingly enough, there's a mattress in here. It appears to Carol that someone, maybe the owner of the extra large shirt, has been sleeping in the locker. Turn left to a woven basket. In close up use the modified clothes hanger to open the basket. Remove the CUSHION to find a magnetic PASS CARD with four unidentifiable symbols. Put the card in your inventory and read all three news items about the Stahl barn, the closing of the Gusum Factory, and an obituary for Mrs. Elvira Wallin.

Exit the storeroom and leave the building. On the map, see that you have two new possible destinations, the Skateboard Barn and the Library. Exit to


In the entry, turn right and attempt to open the Lucky Tattoos door. You'll be greeted by Tony Hesse. He's in charge. Complete all conversation. Find out the connection between Viktor Wallin, his deceased mother, Elvia, and the Cornflower Foundation, benefactor to the skateboard barn. This is important information, as you will learn later. Learn about the old timer, Richard Svensson. It appears, that in order to find Richard, you must find the honorary members list which, over time, has been misplaced. Exit through the door with the odd red symbol.

Go right to the skateboard arena. Turn right inside to face a large wooden skate bowl. Go forward twice to the window. Turn left. Go forward. Turn left and look down to pick up the "Honorary Members list, page 1." See Richard Svensson listed at the bottom, but his address is apparently on page 2. Regrettably, its not here. Turn around, look down and examine a crumpled bag with pink and green circles. It is of no consequence.

Go back to the center of the arena. Go straight ahead up the ramp. At left, click on the orange bag to find page 2 of the honorary members list which contains Richard Svensson's address. Go back to the center of the arena. Turn left. Go forward and turn right. Go up the dark colored ramp. Turn left and use your magnifying glass on a crumpled bag down in the large crack. The colored circles are yellow, red and green; again of no consequence. Turn around and go back to the center of the arena. Go left out to the lobby and exit the skate barn.

You will see Richard Svensson's address added to the map, but lets go to the library first.


Enter the city library and use the mouse to take a close look at the computer in front of you. The screen displays "Articles and Knowledge Data Base." Click on the mouse to bring up the screen "Elvira Wallin - The Gusum Factory."

Click on Elvira's name and read all about her. Elvira, Viktor's mother, was an activist and a feminist. Apparently, a fairly free spirit. Click on the Gusum link to read about Gideon Sunbach and his zipper invention and, more importantly, about Samuel Kohler's factory operation. Read both pages thoroughly and see the diagram of the modern zipper.

Come out of the computer close up. Turn left twice and leave the library. Exit to


Ring the doorbell above the lower lock, a small black button. Darn! Richard is not home right now. Exit and go to


Stina tells you that the strange symbols on the pass card you found in the locker are part of an old alphabet code used by tramps. Well now, that's an interesting tidbit of information. Go back to


Ring the doorbell and ask Richard about Viktor Wallin's death.

Viktor was Richard's best friend. First though, Richard wants you to find his watch and reading glasses he lost during a drinking outing at the River Park last night.

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